FD2021 towers…1-UHF/VHF antenna, dipole leg support. 2- 6 meter, 2 meter beams and dipole center support. 3- HF beam (10-40m), dipole leg support. We run a 2F operation every field day.VHF and HF 1 op positions. VHF-FT991A for 6 and 2M. HF 1- FTdx1200, Signalink USB, Vibroplex VibroKeyer and Heil headset. All positions ran Visio all-in-one WIN10 computers for digital and logging using N3FJP Field Day Log software.Solar power contact gear ready for action.Cold, special brewed 807’s for the midnight toast to our Silent Key (SK) friends.KB1BCT and K1GDW running the 6/2meter station.KB1BCU on 40m SSB.WA1LAD banging out some 15M SSB contacts.K1GDW (standing), W1SGB (L) and WA1LAD (R) going over operations on the HF 2 station.